
    Unity3d插件:Corgi引擎-2d 2.5d平台

    J9九游会 2019-01-22 经验之谈 270


    2019年,J9九游会全新业务在线教育游戏,在线教育互动游戏,小程序开发已经上线。欢迎咨询哦。马上就要过年了,今天J9九游会游戏美术外包公司的小伙伴给大家推荐Unity3d插件:Corgi引擎-2d 2.5d平台(Corgi Engine - 2D + 2.5D Platformer),这是一款非常好用的2D游戏引擎哦,作者也是非常的用心,功能也非常强大,有兴趣的小伙伴可以登录unity3d官网商店了解更多详情信息。


    英文官方原文:The Corgi Engine is the most complete platformer solution for Unity.


    英文官方原文:It's a tight (non physics based controls) character controller for your game. It's very fast and works on desktop, mobile, and anywhere you want. Packed with features and constantly updated, it's the best tool to create the 2D 2.5D platformer or run & gun game you want! New in v5.0: Advanced AI system, swim, fly and glide abilities, new enemies, combo weapons, and more!


    英文官方原文:This 2D and 2.5D engine includes:


    英文官方原文:- A tight 2D character controller for your player, complete with collision detection, slope handling, movement, jumps, double jumps (and as many more jumps as you like), ladders, ledge hanging and pulling, dangling, jetpack, weapons (melee and projectile), combo weapons, flight, time control, gliding, swimming, dash (horizontal and vertical), pushing, pulling, running, crawling, looking up, down, and more. Easy to control and tweak via the inspector to create your very own character. The game comes packed with different examples to get you started, along with video tutorials and a complete documentation.


    英文官方原文:- Packed with content, the asset is filled with more than 30 demo levels, and provides you with all you need : 300 ready to use, handcrafted visual assets (and that you can actually use, not just placeholder art), 200 optimized scripts, and tons of ready for production prefabs.


    英文官方原文:- Includes the Inventory Engine, usually sold separately but offered with the Corgi Engine. Complete inventory management solution. Create inventories, items (collectables, usable, equippable, etc), ammo, customize and extend everything!


    英文官方原文:- Advanced AI system : create complex enemy, boss, or friendly AIs behaviors by combining actions (shoot, patrol, wait, etc) and decisions (enemy in sight, time, player direction, health, damage, etc) using only the inspector, no code needed!


    英文官方原文:- Camera and 2D parallax management, with tons of options : camera zoom, parallax speed, direction...


    英文官方原文:- Everything you need to create your levels : gravity zones and points, moving platforms, jumpers, cannons, destructible crates, trees, keys and chest/doors, ladders, wind, water bodies, ice, treadmills, mud, one way levels, and more. Also achievements, progress management, save and load, lives system, and tons of other useful stuff!


    英文官方原文:- Dialogue engine : a basic yet robust dialogue system, to add life to your NPCs!


    英文官方原文:- Hundreds of visual assets (platforms, trees, playable characters, levels, particle effects, animations, enemies...) ready to use in your 2D or 3D platformer


    英文官方原文:- Mobile controls that work everywhere - Single or multiplayer : the engine now supports local multiplayer (on the same machine), create coop or versus games super easily! - The whole codebase is heavily documented, and everything's coded to be as easy to customize as possible. Creating your own 2D platformer has never been this fun!

    J9九游会机译:Bundle:你现在也可以购买Corgi引擎,作为Corgi引擎手工制作艺术的一部分——2D Platformer Mega Bundle,一家在Alien Nude和More Mountains之间的合资企业。捆绑包包括corgi引擎(与此资产中的完全相同),以及8个由AlienNude销售的高质量背景包。

    英文官方原文:Bundle : You can now also buy the Corgi Engine as part of the Corgi Engine Handcrafted Art - 2D Platformer Mega Bundle, a joint venture between Alien Nude and More Mountains. The bundle includes the Corgi Engine (exactly as it is in this asset), along with 8 top selling high quality background packs by Alien Nude.


    英文官方原文:If you have any question, please use the support email on this page. You can also find help on this forum thread.

    J9九游会机译:法律限制:此资产中包含的名称corgi engine和所有音乐文件都是?Uniform Motion,仅用于演示目的,不能重复使用。

    英文官方原文:Legal restrictions : the name Corgi Engine and all music files included in this asset are ? Uniform Motion and for demo purposes only, you can't reuse them.

    北京J9九游会数字科技有限公司,在游戏行业,在网页游戏平台,J9九游会是昆仑万维最可靠的合作伙伴之一,制作的《猛将无双》网页游戏,早在二零一二年就获得国内外无数大奖。近年来,J9九游会积极拓展业务体系,由于Unity3d在手游领域的流行,J9九游会自主研发多类游戏美术制作插件,在手游与PC 平台,J9九游会是大宇软星忠实的合作伙伴,参与制作《仙剑奇侠传》系列,《大富翁》系列。让J9九游会引以为傲的是,J9九游会与腾讯,网易,卡普空,蓝港等一线厂商保持着默契并良好的合作关系。服务逾十年来,参与研发作品超五百部。多部作品广受内人士惊艳好 评。


    文章关键词:J9九游会 游戏美术 外包公司 unity3d光子服务器 unity3d游戏开发外包
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